Essay topic: Why we should travel

Everyone, young or old, loves to travel, especially to lands beyond the seas. Even animals, birds and insects and all other creatures get tired of staying at the same place for a long time.People travel not only to see things but also to meet and learn about other people in other lands. As we travel, we see a variety of things. They are the hills, valleys, jungles, lowlands, rivers and many other things that nature has created. These are indeed very beautiful things to observe. The lakes and waterfalls, for example, that we see are some of the most beautiful things that have been created by nature to beautify the world. Looking at these things we improve our knowledge of Geography of places in the world.We also see how people in different parts of the world work and live. In some places we see people growing crops or making machinery. In short, people do not do the same things everywhere. Thus, their ways of life are different among places.Even the languages, the customs and religions of the people are not similar. If we travel, we come to know better all these and many other facts.We should therefore travel whenever we have the opportunity to do it.